Connecting with others: Questions I asked others while at Burning Man

Making connections with strangers can be awkward, especially when we don't know what to say to break the ice. For me, I have found that the best place to put yourself out there is Burning Man, where mostly everyone is wanting to make connections and meet others. Here are some funny and not so funny questions that I found myself asking at some point during conversation that lead to deeper, heartfelt, and genuine moments.

Here is a list of some questions I asked others:

Are you my old friend from high school? This lead to a funny moment between me and the other person, who turned out was NOT my friend from high school. 

How many burns has this been for you?

What was your first burn like in comparison to now?

What interests you about programming?

Do you have any thoughts about AI and the ethics of how it may be affecting us?

Can you tell me an interesting science fact?

Can you tell me what you know about that?

Excuse me, did you drop this keychain?

Hi, would you like a Palmer drink?

Hello! What do you guys do here?

So it's your first year! what do you think so far about Burning man?

Whats your impression of me?

Wow, what's was that like?

Hi, do you mind if we sit here?

Whats your name?

Would you mind if I tag along?

Where should I go next?

Where did you travel from to get here and how was the journey?

Are you having fun?

What stresses you out most about being here?

Are you guys with a camp?

Hows your burn going?

Where does your mother live?

What are her sesame cookies like?

Here is a photo that a new friend took after we ended up talking for about an hour. 

Is it difficult to put yourself out there? Yes, especially for those that feel anxiety in social settings about being judged. But what I find time and time again is this: people really want to connect and chances are, they're not thinking about you and that insecurity that you're focused on. 
They see you as a whole person and they want to connect with you.
 And the thing about connecting with others that I find to work for me is this: if you're genuine, then they will be too. 
So if you're feeling brave, give it a try next time and see what questions you end up asking. Leading with curiosity in a genuine way can get the ball rolling and who knows where the conversation may end up. It can be an exciting, connection building experience.

Journal Prompts:

Do you find that it's difficult to engage in conversation with a stranger?

What is the hardest thing about meeting new people?

What barriers come up for you when you are trying to communicate with others?

How do you feel when someone approaches you with a genuine question?


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